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Showing posts with label How To Create Table Of Contents in Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Create Table Of Contents in Blogger. Show all posts

How To Create Table Of Contents in Blogger

Create Table Of Contents in Blogger : 
 By Creating Table of Contents in your Blog will help you to arrange your Blog Contents category wise.This Widget is specially designed for blogs which contains alot of categories , this widget will enable them to place all the categories along-with the specific posts in a page called "Table of Contents".The most interesting fact about this widget is that it will help the readers to inform that which post is "New" and which is "Old" . The word New will dance with latest posts and Old will be with Old Posts.

How To Create Table Of Contents in Blogger

  • Get into Blogger Dashboard
  • Click On Pages
  • Create a Static Page
  • Click On HTML of the Page
  • Copy the below script and paste it into the Page HTML
 <script src="//sites.google.com/site/blogger9dotnet/color-css/blogger9.js"></script>
<script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=1000&amp;callback=loadtoc" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Name the Page "Table Of Contents" or any thing else
  • Hit Publish and that's it!
So What's Up : This widget just arrange all the Blog Contents in a social way.And it helps the readers to navigate old and new posts.Stay Blessed ,Happy Blogging! 

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